Hi, this is my testing site!

Hello world, this is my old site and I am using it for testing purposes. You can check my new site here.

my name is Ana Belén Bergese. I am a Social Anthropologist but I redirected my career towards digital technological innovation. During the last years, I´ve worked with amazing international companies that made my curiosity expand for the digital field and due to that reason, currently, I am venturing into the programming area. This site is entirely made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Also, I am exploring in this site different digital tools (as heatmaps, recordings, incoming feedback, etc) that will help me to have a better comprehension of the user's behaviors. Thanks to this, I will be able to make the right changes and improve the UX and UI. This is a little start, but I'll be adding more features soon. I hope you like this site and have a good experience.


User Experience & User Design

Expert course in User Experience and User Design.

National Technological University, Argentina. Finished 2020.

Social Anthropology

Degree in Anthropology.

National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Finished 2017.

Gender Studies

Diploma in Gender Violence.

National Technological University, Argentina. Finished 2020.


The complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp.

Coursed in Udemy, e-learning platform. In progress.


Fast Learner
Clear Communication Skills
Time Management


Advanced English
Native Spanish
Basic Portuguese

Digital Tools

Google Drive
Facebook & Google Ads
Mac iOS, Windows & Linux
Atom, JQuery, Bootstrap

My Hobbies